401 Lowellville Rd.
Struthers, OH 44471
Phone: 330-755-1540
Fax: 330-755-1330
Office Hours
M-F 8am - 5pm
Operators will be responsible for the operation of all required equipment necessary for the completion of any given project. Operators must have an in-depth knowledge and understand of the working limits of the equipment they are operating as well as an in-depth understanding of the project they are currently involved with. Operators must be aware of their surroundings at all times. Operators are expected to work in a fast-paced, physically demanding environment typically outdoors in all weather conditions depending upon their individual assignments. Safety takes precedence on all Rudzik projects. Knowledge of safe operation and driving practices is expected as well as the understanding of all the equipment needed to complete a given task. The operator will report directly to his Site Foreman and or Project Manager.